There is something so special about bringing a new little life into the world. This tiny little human that you have created that is so pure and perfect. There is so much magic in creating a new life, one of life’s greatest experiences and it is most definitely one you want to capture. Whether it is your first, second or third newborn, there is something so precious about newborns because they are only that little for the shortest time.
Typically newborns sessions are held within the first 2 weeks of age, to capture all their newborn perfection. However, they can be taken up until 6 weeks of age.
When to book a newborn session?
Newborn sessions are tentatively booked in the first 1-2 weeks after your due date and if bub arrives early or late, we need we can move the session accordingly. It is best to capture bub within the first 2 weeks when they are fresh, beautiful & sleepy.
How long does a newborn session go for?
Your newborn session will run for approximately 2 hours, occasionally they run shorter or longer. This is dependent on how settled your baby is.
Are parents and siblings included in a newborn session?
Yes, absolutely parents and siblings are welcome in a newborn session. These make for the most treasured of memories.
How do we prepare for a newborn session?
After you book in, you will receive a prep guide. On the day of your session, dress your baby in a zippy without a singlet as this makes easier for changing Bub. I will supply baby’s outfits, wraps/blankets for the session. if you can feed baby just before coming for your session as this allows for a smooth start to your session.